Utah Saints - Something Good 08This is similar to the Fat Boy Slim video because it concentrates mainly on one person dancing.
The storyline to the video is a strange man doing a particular dance in a bar starts to get recognised, and gets more and more famous, he starts to make the news and more people join in with the dance.

The above shot is good because it shows the pub setting, and shows that everyone in the pub is looking at the main character in the video. the placement of the pool table at the front of the shot makes it look like the camera is in the point of view of the other person playing pool, indicating that he is also staring at the main character.
The clothes that he is wearing make him stand out from the rest of the pub, they seem to be a little bit out dated along with his big gold jewellery which seems a bit tacky or fake. These clothes all relate to the rap star MC Hammer because the dance which he performs in the video was the trademark dancemove of MC Hammer.

The initial reaction from everyone in the pub seems to be shock and confusion, the camera zooms in on the different sets of people in their places around the pub, the women sitting together all seem quite confused at what he is doing however one of the women gives a facial expression which might indicate that she fancies him. There is a shot of two stereotypical men in the pub, both are overweight and one is bald, it goes in slow motion as one of the men spits his beer out in shock whilst the othe

r looks totally bewildered. I think this is a great shot because I think they do exactly what every stereotypical pub dweller up and down the country would do if someone actually started dancing like that in the middle of the pub, it also shows the mood that the man dancing has set and contrasts with the mood by the end of the video. I think the slow motion capture of the beer spraying out of the mans mouth is a very nice effect and would be good to concider doing in my on music video because it is simple and easy to do. The costume of the two men is very important because they are stereotypically boring coloured jumpers which shows that they do not make much effort with their own appearance. The storline progresses by newspapers flying onto the screen with different titles showing that the man has became famous for his dancemoves, more people start to dance with him. The performance side of the video includes a dance routine from lots of the locals in the town and the bar maid is filmed in slow motion in a tight top; which is a common thing to have in the dance genre videos. There are short comments from the locals in

the pub who were at the pub when it first happened, the welsh accent gives it a comical edge to it and makes it seem like they are on a regional news channel being interviewed. The tone in each of their voices shows that they now enjoy the mans dancing and think that he is talented. The clothing of the old man is very stereotypical of his age and he quotes "Me and the wife came in for a nice quiet pint" the word quiet is stereotypical of the old man wanting some peace and quiet, however the dancing man was there and by his facial expression the old man isn't very happy about it.
There are lots of fast cuts between the people getting interviewed and the dance routine, which highlights what the people are talking about in the interview and what is actually happening with the main character. When he is made to sign the contract about the dance the camera zooms right in on the sheet to show what he has to sign for and then when it zooms out a different hand picks up the sheet and folds it, when he turns around you see that he is wearin a bright gold suit which shows that he is wealthy and the camera focuses on the writing on his back which says MC Hammer. I think this is effective for the band because it could show the viewers that they know really famous people and may be liked by other famous pop stars.
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