I chose to analyse 3 music videos to give me some insparation into the media market.
Lady gaga – Bad Romance
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrO4YZeyl0I - Youtube link
Lady Gaga’s bad romance video features many elements of symbolism such as the wax work used on her figure to show how ‘plastic’ the modern day artists seem to be. Lady Gaga uses many shocking ideas to wow the audience and to freak them out. The image that Lady Gaga has in the media currently is enhanced by her wild videos and strange clothing. The dance moves are also quirky and shows this ‘strange’ side to Lady Gaga. The long distance shots show the dance moves and allow the Mise en scene to be seen properly.
The lighting used at 1.00 in the video emphasises the dark and eerie atmosphere to the lyrics and links to the overall theme. The close ups used in the video are used to show Lady Gaga’s expressions and make-up which is what her fans would be interested in. The overall storyline of the video is clearly about a relationship that isn’t working and follows Todorovs theory which says that a video must start well then have a problem and then it to be reconciled. There is no performance shots in the video and is all based on the singer and her narrative.
Beyonce – Ego
Youtube link- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQgIxAreK0I&feature=channel
Ego is a continuation of the video ‘Single Ladies’ which features the same dancers and background to the video. This video is very much based around the image of the celebrity, it shows Beyonce and her two dancers from single ladies with a plain brick background and a chair, they dance consistently, and the video shows many good shots. The majority of the video is shot in black and white which gives it an interesting look and emphasises the mise en scene. The video has proved to be a great success as it showed a new sexy side to Beyonce and has been used by many other musicians.
The video shows intertextuality as it is heavily based upon ‘single ladies’ also by Beyonce. The target audience for this song is people who enjoy pop and Rnb music. The main shots used are long shots to show all three dancers and the image they portray as Rnb woman, many close ups are also used to show the artist, this video is also very image surrounding and focus’ on showing Beyonce to her fan base which is very wide. Beyonces videos are largely based around her appearance and sex appeal, this wasn’t always showns in earlier videos such as irreplaceable but as she became a wider known artist the videos became more image conscious and she became more as a sex symbol rather than a normal modern day RnB artist.
Pink – So what
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XKZh3vWeGc - Youtube link
Pink creates a narrative in this video as you see her progress and ‘get over’ her ex in a rebellious way. It is also very much focused on the performer herself and how she spears after the media created such a stir about her divorce, this is shown in the way in which she got her ex, Carey to appear in the video. The overall concept of this video is to show that she doesn’t need a man and has moved on. The video features many great shots and camera angles, the beginning of the video shows pink on a garden mower, the camera is focused on a parking space and Pink rides into the shot, and this is effective and also edgy.
The camera is often placed low and filmed upwards to show the power that pink now has over Carey. A green screen is used in the bridge of the song where Pink is stood with her ex and headlines that papers actually wrote about her break-up are shown in the back ground. I believe the video to be extremely successful; Pink had been off the music production scene for a long time and to then come back with a video that shows her back to her normal rebellious self is relieving. The video shows a typical side to pink that she is well known for. The target audience for this particular song is pop and rock listeners. This video uses many different shots and angles to portray the storyline.
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