This video is all performance based and contains the whole of the band Nirvana, at the very beginning there is a close up of on of the band members shoes, which are a pair of old converse, these were trademark shoes for the grunge bands at the time. The room is dark which fits the mood of the music and the fans.
There is no storyline to the video and it is pretty much all based on the performance aspect which goes with the song because you can

I think it is aimed at teenagers who like rock or grunge music, because of the way the band and the crowd are dressed and the style in which the band play their instruments. They are quite aggressive and seem to take their music very seriously. In the crowd their are many people crowd surfing and jumping around which was typical of a live gig of this genre of music, there is also a trademark mosh pit shot in slow motion and lots of fast cuts between the different members of the band and the crowd.

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