The music video for this song stars Christopher Walken who is a very famous actor, he normally plays quite serious roles in films and is often the villain in lots of films. I think that Is what makes this video so iconic because of the fact that Christopher Walken is

The start of the video shows him sitting in a chair in a room by himself, he looks very bored or maybe even depressed, the fact he is wearing a suit shows that he may be quite well payed and a respectable business man, the hotel itself looks very luxurious which would also indicate that the man may be of a higher class. You can tell by the luggage cart that he is in a hotel and the shiny marble floor and various different plants inside the building indicate that it is an upmarket hotel. The luggage that he has on the floor next to him could show that he is about to leave or has just arrived, and the way that he is slouched in his seat shows that he has been waiting in the same chair for quite a while by himself. The costume he is wearing is a stereotypical view of a boring business man; the fact that the suit is a boring grey colour and his matching black socks and shoes all contrast highly with his actions in the video.
When the music starts to kick in at the start you see the man look over to the radio and then look back again, he looks annoyed at the noise and fed up. But as the song gets a bit louder his breathing become more and more erratic, then, as there is a tune starting to play his head starts moving along to it, it is still stereotypically fairly boring but he stands up and starts walking towards the middle of the room. What makes all of this so effective is that the man keeps the same emotionless facial expression as he is dancing

Even though he is in exactly the same shot as he was at the start of the video, his actions give a completely different feel to the shot, it is no longer boring or depressing but now makes the viewer feel good and shows that the character in the video is much more energetic and happier than the first impression of him. I think that his actions match the mood of the song to indicate that the music is causing him to dance rather than himself, and shows that he is no longer in control of his own body.
I think a good shot of him is when he is going up the escalator dancing, the camera is moving slowly along with him and then takes a stationary position which makes him get further and further away whilst doing the same dance, at this point it is still a bit of a shock that this man is doing a funny dance and it highlights how important he is by keeping him in the center of the screen even as he is getting further away. Then when he starts to run back down the escalator it shows him being immature, and could be a metaphor for the music causing him to stop following the rules and do what he wants to do.

The editing in the scene where he dives head first off the balcony makes it seem like he is going to fall to the bottom and die but instead e appears to be flying, when he appears to be standing horizontally on one of the balcony walls is a good use of visual effects and camera postioning, it makes him look like he is sticking to the walls. I think this video could be related to Chemical brothers video “do it again” because of the fact that the music is influencing people to act in strange ways and is also the same type of music.
The target audience of the music video is adults, I think that the video shows a typical business man doing what all adults like him would dream of doing, it shows him breaking the stereotype of people like him being very boring and dull which relates to lots of people in boring office jobs who want to have fun and let themselves escape from their day to day routine. I think that is why the end shot is exactly the same as the beginning because the man knows he has to go back to being himself once the music finishes.

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